Grace McClurg
Computer Science and Engineering
University of Louisville 2024

Hello! I am a senior Computer Science and Engineering major graduating in Spring 2024.

I am passionate about computer science, especially machine learning, web development, and studying algorithms.
My background specifically in machine learning includes experience in:

Computer Vision
Microsoft Intern
Recommender Systems
University of Louisville Researcher
Natural Language Processing
Information Sciences Institute Intern
Audio Processing
University of Hawaii at Hilo Researcher

Thank you for visiting my page! :)

Click on any of the buttons below to learn more about my projects and experiences.
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Undergraduate Research

Featured Projects

Academic Involvement and Recognition

In my free time, I enjoy painting, interior design, thrifting, exploring nature, and visiting museums.
Also, my favorite month is October and dessert is strawberry shortcake!

My Art

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Adventures Outdoors

Picture of the ocean with foilage silhouetted Grace sitting on rocks by the ocean. waterfall rushing over rocks sorrounded by trees pink sunset photo taken on a black sand beach of the ocean orangy sunset photo taken of the san juan islands foggy/misty picture of trees lake 22 snowy peak
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